with Sal Taylor Kydd
Period: Mar. 18 - April 29
​Join writer and photographer Sal Taylor Kydd to develop your book project combining text and image to tell your story.
This class will look at how you can combine your writing and photographs to enhance your narrative in book form. ​
The class will meet on TUESDAYS, beginning March 18TH and ending on April 29TH.
​Time: 20:00 - 22:00 (CET)
2PM to 4PM (EST )
Dates: March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 29.
Place: Zoom - invitation will be sent to your e-mail
Levels: Experienced
Language: English
Max participants: 8
Course tuition: NOK 7.600,-
Over six classes we will look at how you can combine your writing and photographs to enhance your narrative in book form.
Examples of artists who combine text and image in various forms both on and off the page will be shared for inspiration, as well as a look at different avenues for publishing your work in today’s publishing landscape.
Extensive discussion will examine the sequencing of text and image to create unexpected moments in your narrative, as well as other design and layout considerations.
This is a class for experienced photographers who are looking to develop their book project, using photography in combination with the written word. Experience with Adobe Indesign is helpful but not essential.
All forms of writing are encouraged from prose to poetry.
Classes will be divided between lectures and class critique, with time allocated for individual meetings with Sal.
We are also offering an online 'Text & Image level I', and this Fall we are again travelling to Italy, for our yearly Creative Retreat with Sal.
Read more about Sal Taylor Kydd on our faculty page.
See more of Sal Taylor Kydd work on her website.

The amount is listed in Norwegian Kroner (NOK)
PAYMENT for our classes:
Norwegian participant: we will send an invoice to your e-mail.
International students:
You have 3 option of payment - please list your preferred payment method when registering for a class:
CREDIT CARD: you can make a payment directly from our website. There is a transaction fee (3 to 4 %) charged by Stripe that will be added to the tuition.
PAY PAL: For PayPal payments there is a handling fee of 6 % of the amount that will be added to the invoice.
INTERNATIONAL BANK TRANSFER: For bank transfer there is a transaction fee. Check with your bank for the amount, and make sure the transaction fee is not deducted from the payment for the class.
Await payment until you have received a confirmation of your seat and an invoice from NORD-photography.
We need a min of 5 participants to run the course.
Withdrawal and refund policy:
Enrollment is limited in our classes, so once you have registered for a class – we are counting on you to attend. The registration is binding. We do however understand that sometimes plans fall trough and offer the following cancellation policies:
Withdraw more than 30 days before the start of class and we will refund all monies paid, minus an administration fee of NOK 1500,-. Withdraw 30 days or less before the start of class and we will charge you with the full workshop tuition.
NORDphotography is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies.
Cancelation Rules:
For online course to run we need a minimum of five participants, unless otherwise noted in the class description. If we for some reason are not able to reach our minimum number, the class will be canceled and you will receive a full refund.
There will be a maximum of 10 students in each class, unless otherwise noted in the workshop description.